(O'Neil, Fulgoni & Nicklas 2011) キャンディー消費量と体重

http://www.faqs.org/photo-dict/photofiles/list/968/1423candy.jpg一般的には,糖分の取りすぎは良くないこととされている.キャンディーやチョコレートを取りすぎることは,おそらく健康に良くないことだろう.では,そういった嗜好品はまったく食べない方がいいのだろうか? この研究では,キャンディー摂取群の方が摂取カロリーが多いにもかかわらず,肥満が少ないという結果が出た.注意しなければいけないのは,これは決してキャンディーを食べる方が痩せられるということではないということだ.結論にあるとおり,キャンディー摂取量が有害リスクマーカーとしては機能しないことを示しているにすぎない.おそらく,何らかの未知の交絡因子が働いている.痩せたいからと言ってキャンディーを食べても,逆効果となる可能性が高い.

http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/bimgdata/FC0120164477.JPGFood Nutr Res. 2011;55. doi: 10.3402/fnr.v55i0.5794. Epub 2011 Jun 14.

Association of candy consumption with body weight measures, other health risk factors for cardiovascular disease, and diet quality in US children and adolescents: NHANES 1999-2004.

O'Neil CE, Fulgoni VL 3rd, Nicklas TA.
Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, LA, USA.

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of total, chocolate, or sugar candy consumption on intakes of total energy, fat, and added sugars; diet quality; weight/adiposity parameters; and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in children 2-13 years of age (n=7,049) and adolescents 14-18 years (n=4,132) participating in the 1999-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
Twenty-four hour dietary recalls were used to determine intake. Diet quality was determined using the Healthy Eating Index-2005 (HEI-2005). Covariate-adjusted means, standard errors, and prevalence rates were determined for each candy consumption group. Odds ratios were used to determine the likelihood of associations with weight status and diet quality.
In younger children, total, chocolate, and sugar candy consumption was 11.4 g±1.61, 4.8 g±0.35, and 6.6 g±0.46, respectively. In adolescents, total, chocolate, and sugar candy consumption was 13.0 g±0.87, 7.0 g±0.56, and 5.9 g±0.56, respectively. Total candy consumers had higher intakes of total energy (2248.9 kcals±26.8 vs 1993.1 kcals±15.1, p<0.0001) and added sugars (27.7 g±0.44 vs 23.4 g±0.38, p<0.0001) than non-consumers. Mean HEI-2005 score was not different in total candy and sugar candy consumers as compared to non-consumers, but was significantly lower in chocolate candy consumers (46.7±0.8 vs 48.3±0.4, p=0.0337). Weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, percentiles/z-score for weight-for-age and BMI-for-age were lower for candy consumers as compared to non-consumers. Candy consumers were 22 and 26%, respectively, less likely to be overweight and obese than non-candy consumers. Blood pressure, blood lipid levels, and cardiovascular risk factors were not different between total, chocolate, and sugar candy consumers and non-consumers (except that sugar candy consumers had lower C-reactive protein levels than non-consumers).
This study suggests that candy consumption did not adversely affect health risk markers in children and adolescents.

PMID: 21691462 [PubMed - in process] PMCID: PMC3118036 Free PMC Article
Association of candy consumption with body weight measures, other health risk factors for cardiovascular disease, and diet quality in US children a... - PubMed - NCBI

米国小児と青年における、キャンディー消費量と体重、他の心血管疾患リスク因子、そして食事のクオリティーとの関係: NHANES 1999-2004
摂取量の判定は、24時間の食事を思い出すことによりおこなった。食事のクオリティーの判定には、健康食インデックス2005 (HEI-2005) を使用した。各キャンディー消費群ごとに、共変量を調整した平均、標準誤差、そして有病率を定量した。体重の状態と食事のクオリティの関連性の尤度の定量には、オッズ比を使った。
若年小児では合計、チョコレート、そして砂糖キャンディーの消費量はそれぞれ11.4 g±1.61, 4.8 g±0.35, そして6.6 g±0.46であった。青年では、合計、チョコレート、そして砂糖キャンディーの消費量はそれぞれ13.0 g±0.87, 7.0 g±0.56, そして5.9 g±0.56であった。キャンディー消費者群の合計では、非消費者群と比較して、総エネルギーと追加の砂糖の摂取量が多かった。HEI2005スコアの平均値は、キャンディーと砂糖キャンディー消費者群の合計で、非消費者群と比較して違いはなかった。一方でチョコレートキャンディー消費者群では有意に低かった。体重、BMI、ウェスト周径、体重年齢スコア、年齢に対するBMIは、キャンディー消費群が非消費群よりも低かった。キャンディー消費群は非キャンディー消費群よりも,過体重,肥満がそれぞれ22%,26%少なかった.合計,チョコレート群,そして砂糖キャンディー消費群と,非消費群との間には,血圧,血中脂質レベル,そして心血管リスク因子には差はなかった.例外として,砂糖キャンディー消費群では,CRPレベルが非消費群よりも低かった.

(Mineur, et al. 2011) ニコチンの食欲減退作用


http://www.sciencemag.org/site/feature/icon/pic.mag.current-issue.jpgScience. 2011 Jun 10;332(6035):1330-2.

Nicotine decreases food intake through activation of POMC neurons.

Mineur YS, Abizaid A, Rao Y, Salas R, DiLeone RJ, Gündisch D, Diano S, De Biasi M, Horvath TL, Gao XB, Picciotto MR.
Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, 34 Park Street, Third Floor Research, New Haven, CT 06508, USA.

Smoking decreases appetite, and smokers often report that they smoke to control their weight. Understanding the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the anorexic effects of smoking would facilitate the development of novel treatments to help with smoking cessation and to prevent or treat obesity. By using a combination of pharmacological, molecular genetic, electrophysiological, and feeding studies, we found that activation of hypothalamic α3β4 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors leads to activation of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons. POMC neurons and subsequent activation of melanocortin 4 receptors were critical for nicotinic-induced decreases in food intake in mice. This study demonstrates that nicotine decreases food intake and body weight by influencing the hypothalamic melanocortin system and identifies critical molecular and synaptic mechanisms involved in nicotine-induced decreases in appetite.

PMID: 21659607 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] PMCID: PMC3113664 [Available on 2012/6/10]
Nicotine decreases food intake through activation of POMC neurons. - PubMed - NCBI


(Harkema, et al. 2011) 脊髄損傷に対する電気刺激治療


http://download.thelancet.com/images/journalimages/0140-6736/S0140673611X60233_cov150h.gifLancet. 2011 Jun 4;377(9781):1938-47. Epub 2011 May 19.

Effect of epidural stimulation of the lumbosacral spinal cord on voluntary movement, standing, and assisted stepping after motor complete paraplegia: a case study.

Harkema S, Gerasimenko Y, Hodes J, Burdick J, Angeli C, Chen Y, Ferreira C, Willhite A, Rejc E, Grossman RG, Edgerton VR.
Department of Neurological Surgery, Kentucky Spinal Cord Research Center, University of Louisville, KY, USA.

Repeated periods of stimulation of the spinal cord and training increased the ability to control movement in animal models of spinal cord injury. We hypothesised that tonic epidural spinal cord stimulation can modulate spinal circuitry in human beings into a physiological state that enables sensory input from standing and stepping movements to serve as a source of neural control to undertake these tasks.
A 23-year-old man who had paraplegia from a C7-T1 subluxation as a result of a motor vehicle accident in July 2006, presented with complete loss of clinically detectable voluntary motor function and partial preservation of sensation below the T1 cord segment. After 170 locomotor training sessions over 26 months, a 16-electrode array was surgically placed on the dura (L1-S1 cord segments) in December 2009, to allow for chronic electrical stimulation. Spinal cord stimulation was done during sessions that lasted up to 250 min. We did 29 experiments and tested several stimulation combinations and parameters with the aim of the patient achieving standing and stepping.
Epidural stimulation enabled the man to achieve full weight-bearing standing with assistance provided only for balance for 4·25 min. The patient achieved this standing during stimulation using parameters identified as specific for standing while providing bilateral load-bearing proprioceptive input. We also noted locomotor-like patterns when stimulation parameters were optimised for stepping. Additionally, 7 months after implantation, the patient recovered supraspinal control of some leg movements, but only during epidural stimulation.
Task-specific training with epidural stimulation might reactivate previously silent spared neural circuits or promote plasticity. These interventions could be a viable clinical approach for functional recovery after severe paralysis.

National Institutes of Health and Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation.
Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Comment in
Lancet. 2011 Jun 4;377(9781):1896-8.
PMID: 21601270 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Effect of epidural stimulation of the lumbosacral spinal cord on voluntary movement, standing, and assisted stepping after motor complete paraplegi... - PubMed - NCBI








(須野 2009) 酸性食品と齲歯

この論文は、食酢、オレンジジュース、コーラ、ヨーグルトによる歯への影響を in vitro で調査したもの。各食品が1日3分歯に接触していると仮定し、1ヶ月、3ヶ月経過後の歯の状態を実体顕微鏡、電子顕微鏡で観察している。結果としては、どの食品も歯の表面が脱灰し、ブラッシングにより表層が削り取られることが確認された。


東京歯科大学卒業研究論文集 26-Nov-2009
須野 亜由美

近年、5 歳以上 25 歳未満の各年齢階級ではう蝕を持つ者の割合が減少する傾向を示したが、40歳以上では、増加する傾向を示し、その原因として健康管理を意識した酸の摂取による酸蝕歯が考えられている。これは、歯の健康を考えるうえで、大きな問題となっている。そこで、全ての酸が歯に同じような影響を与えるのか、また、酸によりやわらかくなっている歯にブラッシングを行った場合、歯面に対してどの程度影響があるのかを比較、検討することを目的とし実験を行った。
ヒト抜去歯スライスを用いて鏡面研磨歯牙組織片を作製し、酸蝕の原因となりうる食品に浸漬し、市販の歯磨剤を使用してブラッシングを 1 ヶ月および 3 ヶ月相当の時間実施した後、実体顕微鏡による表面の反射像および走査電子顕微鏡像の観察を行った。
本研究では、実験に用いたすべての食品において、表面の脱灰がみられた。種類により、脱灰の程度に違いが見られたものの、直後のブラッシングにより、すべての例において、脱灰部表層が削去され、表面がより平坦になっているのが観察された。このことから、酸性食品摂取直後の歯磨 剤を用いたブラッシングは、歯牙に対し、悪影響を及ぼしている可能性が示唆された。歯面が再石灰化されるまで、ブラッシングを中止することは出来ないことから、食品の酸蝕に対する対策を充分に検討する必要がある。


(Wegienka, et al. 2011) 動物アレルギー


http://www.wiley.com/bw/content/BPL_Images/Journal_cover_store/thumbnail/CEA-0954-7894-38-1/cea.jpgClin Exp Allergy. 2011 Jul;41(7):979-86. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2011.03747.x.

Lifetime dog and cat exposure and dog- and cat-specific sensitization at age 18 years.

Wegienka G, Johnson CC, Havstad S, Ownby DR, Nicholas C, Zoratti EM.
Department of Biostatistics and Research Epidemiology, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, USA Department of Pediatrics, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA, USA Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Allergy, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, USA.

Prior research about whether keeping a dog or cat at home causes allergies to that pet has been limited to outcomes in early childhood.
Evaluate the association between lifetime dog and cat exposure and allergic sensitization to the specific animal at 18 years of age.
Participants enrolled in the Detroit Childhood Allergy Study birth cohort during 1987-1989 were contacted at the age 18 years. Sensitization to dog or cat was defined as animal-specific IgE 0.35 kU/L.
Annual interview data from childhood and follow-up interviews at age 18 years were used to determine lifetime indoor dog and cat exposure (indoor was defined when the animal spent >50% of their time inside the house). Exposure was considered in various ways: first year, age groups and cumulative lifetime. Analyses were conducted separately for dogs and cats.
Among males, those with an indoor dog during the first year of life had half the risk [relative risk (RR)=0.50, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.27, 0.92] of being sensitized to dogs at age 18 compared with those who did not have an indoor dog in the first year. This was also true for males and females born via c-section (RR=0.33, 95% CI 0.07, 0.97). Overall, teens with an indoor cat in the first year of life had a decreased risk (RR=0.52, 95% CI 0.31, 0.90) of being sensitized to cats. Neither cumulative exposure nor exposure at any other particular age was associated with either outcome.
Conclusions and Clinical Relevance
The first year of life is the critical period during childhood when indoor exposure to dogs or cats influences sensitization to these animals.

Cite this as: G. Wegienka, C. C. Johnson, S. Havstad, D. R. Ownby, C. Nicholas and E. M. Zoratti, Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 2011 (41) 979-986.
© 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
PMID: 21668818 [PubMed - in process]

男性に関しては、生後1年目に室内犬と一緒だった場合の18歳時の犬感受性リスクは、生後1年目に室内犬と一緒でなかった場合の半分であった(RR 0.5)。帝王切開により生まれた男女でも、同様にリスクが低かった(RR 0.3)。総じて、生後1年目に室内猫と一緒だった10代は、猫への感作のリスクが低かった(RR 0.52)。累積曝露や他の特定の年齢における曝露は、どちらのアウトカムとも関連がなかった。

(Daly, et al. 2011) 最も幸せな場所は最も自殺率が高い


http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51RABVJENAL.jpgJournal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Article in Press, Accepted Manuscript - Note to users
doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2011.04.007 | How to Cite or Link Using DOI

Dark Contrasts: The Paradox of High Rates of Suicide in Happy Places

Mary C. Daly (a), Andrew J. Oswald (b), Daniel Wilson (c) and Stephen Wu (d)
(a) Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, USA
(b) University of Warwick, UK
(c) Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, USA
(d) Hamilton College, USA
Received 16 May 2010; revised 11 February 2011; accepted 11 April 2011. Available online 22 April 2011.

Suicide kills more Americans than die in motor accidents. Its causes remain poorly understood. We suggest in this paper that the level of others’ happiness may be a risk factor for suicide (although one's own happiness likely protects one from suicide). Using U.S. and international data, the paper provides evidence for a paradox: the happiest places tend to have the highest suicide rates. The analysis appears to be the first published study to be able to combine rich individual-level data sets ― one on life satisfaction in a newly available random sample of 1.3 million Americans and another on suicide decisions among an independent random sample of about 1 million Americans ― to establish this dark-contrasts paradox in a consistent way across U.S. states. The study also replicates the finding for the Western industrialized nations. The paradox, which holds individual characteristics constant, is not an artifact of population composition or confounding factors (or of the ecological fallacy). We conclude with a discussion of the possible role of relative comparisons of utility.

Key words: Happiness; well-being; suicide; relative comparisons.
Dark contrasts: The paradox of high rates of suicide in happy places - ScienceDirect

謎めいた対比: 幸福な場所での高率な自殺のパラドックス
米国では、自動車事故による死よりも自殺の死亡が多い。その原因は、よくわかっていないままだ。この論文では、他人の幸せが自殺のリスク因子となりうることを示した (たとえ自分自身の幸せが自分を自殺から守るとしても)。米国や国際的なデータを使用して、幸せな場所ほど自殺率が高い傾向にあるというパラドックスエビデンスを提供する。この分析が、謎めいた対比のパラドックスを証明するために、米国全土にわたって一貫した方法で豊富な個人レベルデータセットの統合を可能とした最初に発表された研究であることを示す。一つは新規に利用可能となった生活満足度に関する130万人の米国人のランダムサンプルであり、もうひとつは自殺と判定された約100万人の米国人の独立したランダムサンプルである。この研究はまた、西洋先進国の知見の再現でもある。パラドックスは、個々人の特徴の普遍性を保持しており、集団構成や交絡因子(あるいは生態学的な誤り)のアーティファクトではない。結論として、有用性の相対的比較の役割の可能性に関して考察した。