(Fichten, et al. 2004), (Fukuda, et al. 1999) ショートスリーパー、ロングスリーパー


  • ショートスリーパー
    • 毎日6時間以下の睡眠で過ごし、それで熟睡感が得られている人
    • 人口の5%程度
    • 失敗してもくよくよせず、悩みを軽く受け流す。脳の疲労は少なく、短い睡眠時間で済む
    • 人付き合いが得意で、周囲の状況に柔軟に対応するのに優れている。外交的な性格が活かせる政治家や実業家に向いている。
    • ナポレオン、エジソン、ダ・ビンチ
  • ロングスリーパー
    • 9時間以上の睡眠時間が必要な人
    • 人口の10%程度
    • 失敗や悩みを正面から受け止める。脳が酷使されるため睡眠時間が長くなる
    • 周囲の環境に適応するのは苦手だが、独自の内的世界を追求することには優れている。研究者や芸術家に向いている。
    • アインシュタイン

本当にこんな研究結果があるのだろうか? PubMedで「"long sleeper" "short sleeper"」で検索すると、以下の2論文がヒット。これしかヒットしないということは、少なくともあまり重要な学術的概念ではないということだろう。


http://www.informaworld.com/cache/images/compress/0_0_0_0_150_0_1_0_1_0/home/mpp/docserver_mpptwo/775648093/images/cover.gifBehav Sleep Med. 2004;2(1):2-23.

Long sleepers sleep more and short sleepers sleep less: a comparison of older adults who sleep well.

Fichten CS, Libman E, Creti L, Bailes S, Sabourin S.
Psychology Department, Dawson College, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. catherine.fichten@mcgill.ca

To determine some of the risks and benefits of being a long or short sleeper, psychological adjustment, lifestyle, and sleep parameters were investigated in 239 older adults. Responses of people who slept well and who were either long or short sleepers were studied on 48 variables investigating sleep parameters and sleep-related affect and beliefs; daytime fatigue and sleepiness; demographic factors, including age, sex, and income satisfaction; sleep lifestyle factors, including naps, bedtimes, arising times, and the regularity of these; general lifestyle factors, including regularity of mealtimes, overall daytime pleasantness, perceived busyness, diversity and valence of daily activities, and potentially stressful major life events. In addition, 14 variables evaluated aspects of psychological adjustment, including cognitive and somatic arousal, nocturnal tension, anxious, negative, unpleasant and worrying self-talk, depression, anxiety, overall psychopathology, neuroticism, and life satisfaction. Overall, the results indicate that short sleepers get up earlier, spend less time in bed, and have lower sleep efficiencies than their long sleeper counterparts. They eat breakfast earlier, and of course, they sleep less. Only one of the 14 psychological adjustment variables was significant. In view of the many differences between short and long sleepers described in prior research, the lack of differences observed between long and short sleepers is noteworthy.

PMID: 15600221 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Long sleepers sleep more and short sleepers sleep less: a comparison of older adults who sleep well. - PubMed - NCBI



Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 1999 Apr;53(2):141-3.

Classification of the sleeping pattern of normal adults.

Fukuda K, Ishihara K, Takeuchi T, Yamamoto Y, Inugami M.
Department of Educational Psychology, Fukushima University, Faculty of Education, Fukushima City, Japan.

A questionnaire concerning their sleep-related lifestyle and mental health was mailed to people aged in their twenties to fifties living in the Fukushima (North East), Tokyo (Central, Metropolitan) and Okayama (West) areas of Japan. We classified the sleeping pattern of 3642 people (1702 men, 1940 women; mean age 41.3+/-10.67) by multivariational analyses (factor analysis and cluster analysis). They were classified into six groups and defined as 'poor sleeper group' (30.0%), 'good sleeper group' (28.3%), 'long sleeper group' (8.2%), 'short sleeper group' (18.5%), 'irregular sleeper group' (11.3%), and 'Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome group' (3.7%) based on their characteristics of the factor pattern.

PMID: 10459672 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Classification of the sleeping pattern of normal adults. - PubMed - NCBI

